The project involved the rehabilitation of a 82’ historic Burr Arch Truss covered bridge to restore the structural integrity and maintain the current load posting. The ends of the timber arch members, timber low chord members and several timber verticals and diagonals were replaced because of extensive deterioration of the existing members. All of the missing timber knee braces were replaced and the bottoms of all damaged verticals were repaired utilizing an epoxy resin. New reinforced concrete arch bearing seats, low chord bearings seats, stringer bearing seats and backwalls were constructed. Removal and replacement of the timber members and the reconstructed bearing seats and backwalls necessitated jacking and support of the structure and removal of siding planks. The existing stone masonry wingwalls were reset and repointed. The existing siding was replaced and a new aluminum roof was installed.
Larson Design Group performed structural design services, project bidding, and construction inspection. The project ensures the long term survival of a historic structure that enhances tourism, recreation, and quality of life in Columbia County. Local residents are ensured of the continued service of this bridge for access to their homes. Local residents assisted the project by providing property for the staging of construction material.