LDG will be coordinating with PADEP’s Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation (BAMR) and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) on designing an access road to the Audenried Tunnel through a DCNR right-of-way on Lots 54 and 56 in the Humboldt Industrial Park. The project will include the design of an unpaved low volume access road, parking areas, and utilities to service both the BAMR active treatment facility located at the mine drainage tunnel site and a future DCNR off-highway vehicle recreation area.
LDG’s services on this project are organized into three major design milestones, including roadway, utilities, and parking design concept; preliminary design package; and final design package. Through these milestones, LDG will coordinate with BAMR and DCNR to identify a final roadway alignment, verify available utilities and capacities, and identify potential environmental impediments such as wetlands, stream crossings, etc. Preliminary designs based off the agreed road alignment will be reviewed by both BAMR and DCNR before a final design package is approved for future permitting and construction.