LDG led the project, providing third party review, value engineering, operation and start-up services, and construction administration and inspection services for the Project Seneca wastewater treatment plant: a $32 million regional wastewater facility consisting of a new centralized regional treatment plant, pump stations, and force main systems in the villages of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls, New York. Previously, both villages operated separate wastewater treatment plants. Neither plant was able to comply with modern discharge limits due to treatment limitations, aging components, and infiltration and inflow impacts. Taking a regional approach, local officials created the Watkins-Montour Regional Wastewater System, serving approximately 1,200 residential properties and 300 non-residential properties with a design flow of 1.2 million gallons per day.
In addition, LDG provided guidance during the final stages of the permitting process, evaluated alternative approaches to reduce costs and achieve compliance within the bounds of wildlife permits. This prevented a nine-month delay and restored the project’s budget. To bridge a budget gap realized after initial construction bids were received, LDG helped the client secure an additional $1 million grant award. LDG also administered nine construction contracts, provided construction inspection and helped coordinate the rebid of two contracts for the Montour Falls pump station and force main. The firm also scanned the facilities in 3D to generate an as-built model and accurate record drawings and created a detailed asset management plan supporting financial planning and life-cycle costs.