
Travel Demand Modeling

Larson Design Group can provide travel demand modeling services to support transportation planning efforts for both large regions and small areas. Travel demand modeling involves forecasting future-year transportation conditions based on anticipated supply and demand for transportation services. The technique can be used to evaluate changes in land-use, demographics, public transportation services, and roadway capacity. Typical applications at the regional-level include evaluating candidate projects for the long-range transportation improvement program (TIP) and air quality conformity analysis. Small-area analyses can be applied with enhanced detail, such intersection-level turn movement delay, to evaluate a wide range of transportation projects including new streets, road extensions, road diets, changes in public transportation, and impact analysis of new land-use development.

LDG’s staff has experience with a variety of state-of-the-practice and legacy software packages for travel demand modeling including VISUM, TransCAD, Cube Voyager, TP+, and Tranplan. LDG offers significant experience with the small-area applications, including estimating travel demand matrices for traffic counts – a less costly alternative to the traditional travel demand forecasting process.

Recent Project Experience

  • Lycoming County Growth Area Plan, Williamsport, PA
  • MovePGH, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (FSUTMS), FL
  • Pittsburgh Parkway East Ramp Management Project
  • Halfmoon-Patton Area Study, State College, PA
  • Ferguson Township Transportation Plan, State College, PA
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