The ultimate goals of the strategies outlined in the Transportation Management Plan (TMP) for Dover Air Force Base are to enhance mobility, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality in the regions.
The process for developing the TMPs ranged from traffic and parking data collection, stakeholder interviews, and collaborative planning charrettes. The TMPs combined the management of the physical facilities of the system with the needs of the users of the transportation network. The planning effort was also influenced by the future requirements based on the Installation Development Plans (IDP). The ultimate goals of the strategies outlined in the TMPs are to enhance mobility, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality in the regions.
The project team also interviewed selected external agencies (i.e., DOT, MPO, and local government) to identify and coordinate transportation-related issues at each installation and the surrounding sites. Traffic data was collected to establish existing transportation behaviors.
The TMP included maps of the surrounding road network, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, bicycle circulation and spaces, mass transit routes and stops, shuttle bus service, travel demand patterns and modal splits, and commute times by modal split from the highest concentrations of employee residences.
Additionally, the final report included an Execution Plan appendix that focused on improving each aspect of the subcomponents. It included an overview of the project, a recommended timeframe for completion, and a rough order-of-magnitude (ROM) cost estimate.