The project involved the design and construction of approximately 10 miles of High Tensioned Cable Median Barrier (CMB) along sections of US 15 with narrow medians. CMB is designed to help prevent incidents where vehicles may depart from the road and cross over narrow medians into oncoming traffic. The cable system functions by collecting vehicles before they enter the opposing lanes and redirecting them back into the median or travel lanes.
The challenge of this project was to analyze the median within the 10-mile span of the corridor to ensure that criteria for placement of the CMB was met. Additionally, due to limited funding, the project had to be split into two bid packages completed in consecutive years. LDG had to work with PennDOT District 3-0 to determine how much CMB could be completed within the given funding limits.
LDG’s proven expertise, geographical proximity to the project, and ability to submit quality work in a timely manner were noted as valuable to the PennDOT team.