Larson Design Group (LDG) performed a feasibility and preliminary planning study for the upgrade of a sewage treatment plant for the city of Lock Haven in Clinton County, Pennsylvania. LDG identified and evaluated alternatives for upgrading the city’s sewage treatment plant to comply with nutrient capacity loads; upgrading the screening and grit removal operations in the wastewater treatment plant’s headworks; exploring UV disinfection alternatives for the replacement of the sewage treatment plant’s existing chlorine disinfection process; and recommending the best alternatives based on a comparison of construction, operation, and maintenance cost considerations as well as non-monetary factors. The facilities for the removal of solids and grit would be designed for an influent flow rate of 12.0 MGD with 9.0 MGD conveyed to the biological treatment process. Peak flows exceeding 9.0 MGD would be conveyed to an existing wet weather flow storage facility. Two headworks alternatives were considered, and three biological treatment alternatives were developed and evaluated.