Larson Design Group can provide high fidelity multi-modal simulation for analysis and visualization of transportation projects. We offer extensive experience with the leading software packages for micro-simulation, VISSIM and SimTraffic. Simulation is an essential tool for corridor-level and network-wide analyses as well as for multi-modal projects such as those involving transit signal priority and at-grade railroad crossings. Simulation is also a useful tool for evaluating projects that fall outside the scope of traditional highway capacity analysis including, but not limited to, unconventional intersections, unique traffic signal timing programs, and transportation system management projects such as lengthening a turn lane. The visualization functionality provided by traffic simulation is useful for conveying traffic analysis results to the general public.
LDG has experience with all aspects of traffic simulation projects including data collection, model calibration, model validation, alternatives analysis, measures of effectiveness, statistical analysis and visualization. Our engineers have applied simulation to projects ranging from isolated intersection to city street systems with over 100 intersections.
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