Larson Design Group (LDG) provided permit acquisition and final process design services for wastewater treatment plant influent pumping upgrades for the Wellsboro Municipal Authority in Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
The treatment plant was originally constructed with three 36-inch diameter Archimedes’ Screw Pumps, which lifted influent wastewater from an influent basin to a trough at the top of a concrete oxidation ditch. On occasion, influent wastewater would leak and spray from the top of the screw pumps onto a concrete pad at the base of the concrete oxidation ditch. When this happened, a screw pump would need to be serviced, which typically required the rental of a crane to remove the screw pump and transporting the screw pump off-site for service. Each screw pump maintenance event was inconvenient and expensive.
LDG was tasked with designing influent pumping modifications (mechanical, structural, electrical, and SCADA/controls) to replace the screw pumps with submersible pumps, obtaining the WQM permit amendment for the influent pumping modifications, and assisting the authority with retaining the contractors required to construct the modifications.