The Scott Township Homes project is located on the site of the former Scott School.
It consists of ten single-family starter homes and reflects a need for affordable housing in the Columbia County area.
The homes are built close to each other in an L-shape. One objective is to create a sense of small town community. This also allows leaving an area of 1.15-acres undeveloped and available as a common open space to the owners. A paved back alley provides car access, and a concrete walk links the front porches together.
Each house consists of two stories, a total 1,120 sq. ft. There are three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen/dining area, a bathroom, and a powder room in addition to a 100 sq. ft. exterior storage room.
Although the homes have the same plan layout, the owners can choose a mirror image plan, and can select one of three different front elevations. They can also pick their preferred colors of shingles, siding, carpet, and other finishes. To promote variety and individualism, no two houses built next to each other have the same exact look.