LDG provided master planning and landscape architecture design services to assist with the development of an illustrative master plan for Tozer’s Landing, a public park along the Chemung River in Athens Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. The site plan was used to facilitate decision-making for land use, development, and construction activities for the park. Work on the project began with a virtual kick-off meeting to discuss the project’s background and the client’s expectations. Following the kick-off meeting, LDG collected existing information and data such as photographs, existing conditions data, previous related studies, and other available information to help inform the master plan. LDG led a 1-day on-site collaborative workshop to gather additional input for the development of three conceptual site plans, which were submitted to the client for review and comment. Upon receiving the client’s feedback and consensus a final recommended concept, including a final illustrative site layout plan, was further refined by LDG.