Pinewood Acres Water District is located in the southwest part of the Town of Corning; south of Interstate 86, east of Route 15. The project involved the design for a new 400,000 gallon concrete water storage tank and booster pump station.
- Construct a new AWWA D110 concrete water storage tank.
- Install a mixing system to improve tank mixing and reduce stagnation.
- Construct new valve vault for a pressure transducer and valves.
- Connect the new storage tank to the existing transmission main.
- Relocate the SCADA system near the new water storage tank.
- Fence the area around the tank and install security lighting.
- Cut and cap existing piping connected to existing water storage tank.
- Demolish the existing welded-steel water storage tank.
- Booster Station
- Install new booster pumps inside a new prefabricated station with new controls, heating/ventilation equipment, electrical systems, and properly rated pressure piping.
- Integrate the existing SCADA system with the new station components.
- Remove the existing pitless boosters and regrade the area.
- Demolish the existing station.