Through the Sullivan County Conservation District, Cherry Township utilized a Dirt and Gravel Roadway Grant to replace the existing crossing and improve approximately one mile of the roadway corridor. LDG was tasked with completing the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permit for a pipe crossing within the corridor. A General Permit 11 (GP-11) was submitted to DEP for the replacement of the culvert, which included hydrology and hydraulic studies to adequately size the pipe to convey the 25-year design storm.
A wetland field investigation was done to identify the presence of wetlands. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans and structure plans were created for with the layout of the proposed structure, including stream invert elevations for a contractor to properly set the structure. For the structure, LDG recommended an aluminized corrugated metal pipe arch with a span of 87” and a rise of 63” (87” x 63”). Large natural stacked stones were used for the headwalls to retain the roadway fill.