LDG provided surveying, permitting, civil engineering, funding application assistance, and construction phase services for the rehabilitation and improvement of the wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) and sewage collection system for the Village of South Corning in Steuben County, New York. The rehabilitation and improvements to the WWTF included oxidation ditch repairs, diesel generator replacement, clarifier repairs, influent pumps replacement, and installation of a new UV disinfection system. LDG also assisted the village with applying to CDBG and WQIP grant programs, resulting in $1,000,000 in project funding aid being awarded to the village.
The Village of South Corning wastewater system was installed in 1983, and no significant upgrades or improvements had been made since the system was originally installed. The wastewater system was over 37 years old and portions of it had exceeded their useful lifespans. A series of engineering studies and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) inspections also revealed serious safety issues in the outdated WWTF, such as the deterioration of the oxidation ditch that posed a risk of falling for the facility operators. In addition, the village received a letter from DEC noting that a disinfection requirement would be added to the village’s permit because the WWTF did not disinfect the effluent.