50-Agent Border Patrol Station

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Niagara Falls, NY

The new 50-agent Border Patrol Station (BPS) supports the increased staffing and mission. The project includes a 43,185-square-foot 50-agent station with attached detention and processing area, a vehicle maintenance facility with enclose parking garage and vehicle wash bay, and a kennel. Additional support features include a vehicle fueling island and covered trailer parking. The administration and operation wing contains office space, conference rooms, breakroom, lactation, secure weapons and ammunition storage, gear storage, Muster Room, fitness room, male/female locker room and showers along with support spaces for mechanical, electrical, and telecommunications equipment. The detention and processing wing contains a vehicle sally port, four holding rooms, interview rooms, medical screening, seized property storage, and a common processing area. The vehicle maintenance facility consists of an enclosed parking garage, vehicle maintenance bay, vehicle wash bay, weapons cleaning room, and various support spaces for maintenance operations. The project also includes utilities, paving including access roads, stormwater management, site lighting, site improvements, landscaping, underground communication infrastructure to connect the new facility, extensive perimeter security, and AT/FP measures. The facility design complies with Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings