The B-21 Program Development Planning effort included an area development and planning study for the East Side District and the B-21 Bed-Down Bomber Campus. The B-21 Bed-Down Bomber Campus will support the B-21 Raider, a new state-of-the-art aircraft currently in development by the U.S. Air Force (USAF).
To begin the planning study, the project team reviewed all existing and proposed documents, as well as became familiar with the installation and both areas of focus. Interviews and planning charrettes were held with key stakeholders to identify issues, needs, opportunities, and constraints which were used to form the goals for future development. These goals provided the basis for initial concept development and helped guide the decision-making process towards proposed alternatives. These steps were followed in accordance with UFC 2-100-01, Installation Master Planning, AFI 32-1020, and AFMAN 32-1084.
From the proposed alternatives, a preferred development plan was selected. The subcomponents analyzed included utilities and infrastructure, opportunities for resiliency, transportation, security restrictions, construction vehicle movement, aircraft movement, integration with gates and campus-specific entry control facilities, and project phasing. All proposed new, renovated, and demolished structures required to implement the preferred development plan were defined in detail for each focus area. These projects were further broken down by fiscal year (FY) to provide the installation with a clear understanding of the phasing and implementation plan.
The overall submission included DD 1391s, Planning Charrette Reports, and cost estimates. Our team developed all the proposed illustrative plans and renderings to communicate the vision for the new campus. The end state of the project included a cohesive document that had buy-in from Tinker AFB CES and all operational mission partners.