The scope of this project was to determine the base flood elevation of the drainage swale adjacent to the well site.
Stream systems and their associated flood plains are highly complex ecosystems impacted by land development and encroachments. LDG understands that it’s important to maintain the interconnectivity of a stream and its floodplain in order to support its ecological functions. Often, these resources are affected through channelization, reduced riparian buffers, agricultural processes, land development, transportation/utility corridors, and destructive natural processes such as flooding.
Floodplain development in Texas requires county approval of the permit application. The permit application consists of an HEC-RAS analysis, site plan exhibit, locations of installed equipment, site access, floodproofing details, hazardous materials storage, flood stage marker, erosion control measures, stockpiling of materials, utilities floodproofing, wellhead protection, open pit construction, and an elevation certificate.