As the result of severe flooding causing damage to three bridges and five roadway washouts, LDG was hired to design eight bridges and associated road repairs along Hoagland Branch Road (T-408) in Fox Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. Located within the Loyalsock State Forest, all eight of these projects were adjacent to, and interconnected with, Hoagland Branch Creek, which discharges directly into Elk Creek. Elk Creek discharges into Loyalsock Creek, which has a Chapter 93 Existing Use Designation: Exceptional Value (EV). LDG completed a full wetland delineation covering the eight sites and adjacent habitats. Prior to completing the associated field work, a PNDI project environmental review was completed. The review receipt for these projects identified the Great-spurred Violet (Viola selkirkii) as the special concern species and a full botanical survey for the species of concern was completed throughout the project corridor. By implementing impact minimization and avoidance measures the projects were able to be completed.