LDG provided survey, site design, and landscape architecture services to Harmarville Development Hotel Associates, LP.
The Harmar Township Hampton Inn & Suites is a five-story hotel located near the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Larson Design Group (LDG) provided survey, site design, and landscape architecture services to Harmarville Hotel Associates, LP. The design was completed using AutoCAD Civil 3D software.
LDG worked with the client and project architect, Kaczmar Architects, Inc., to prepare land development and construction drawings on a compressed schedule.
During construction, an undocumented private sewer line was discovered and LDG was able to quickly revise the construction plans to reduce construction delays. Also during construction, the client decided to move forward with design for one of the outparcels. LDG quickly assisted the owner in making modifications to construction documents that helped reduce construction costs for the outparcel.
LDG also prepared land development and construction drawings for the outparcel, and construction of the outparcel began within weeks of opening the Hampton Inn.