Professional Engineer Exam Strategy Guide

This study guide was created to help anyone seeking to pass the Professional Engineering Exam in the United States. Please share it with anyone you know who’s interested in taking the exam, and pass it on to encourage and prepare future engineers.

Consider this guide a thorough starting point; it is a compilation of input and advice from Professional Engineers and their individual experiences. Everyone’s study habits, approach, and experience of the exam is different. Therefore, please use this to supplement your own knowledge. Take into account your history in similar situations, time availability, and knowledge of yourself to develop a successful strategy that works for you.

Many of your questions will be answered while some may require supplemental information. Sections of this guide will need updating as time goes on and the exam evolves. However, the message of encouragement and persistence should remain the same. The engineering world is a small one and we need to ensure that safety and quality comes before all else. Fostering excellence in future generations of engineers is how we ensure a bright future for our profession.

Good luck and stay positive.

Jesse R. Calkins, PE

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Professional Engineer Exam Strategy Guide