Leveraging Technology to Provide Conceptual Site Optimization

At LDG, we are early adopters of software and technologies that assist our clients. We invest in the latest technology to offer value-added services to our clients that reduce project costs. This is a key differentiator of our firm. We stay ahead of the curve.

In 2008, we started using SiteOPS®, a web-based software program, to better engage our clients in the site design process during the conceptual design phase. This allows us to accommodate and visualize client requests from the very beginning. As questions arise, we reassign the variables in SiteOPS, and the client can see the impact to their budget immediately. It’s an iterative design process that allows decision making to happen early on in the project. Renderings are done in hours, instead of weeks.

In 5 easy steps, we can show our clients a real-time dynamic layout based on zoning requirements. First, we gather the site data location and we procure the aerial image & topographical map information from the web. From there, we begin the layout, 2-dimensionally addressing all the known site constraints in minutes. At that point, we can grade the site, review the budget, and give our clients a sense of realism in 3-dimensional renderings. We analyze various grading schemes, balance earthwork, and minimize the cost for land development. This helps us arrive at a more cost-effective project outcome.

If you’re considering land acquisitions or land development projects, I’d be pleased to demonstrate how SiteOPS can help you. To learn more, contact me at jok@larsondesigngroup.com, and I’ll talk with you more about it.